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<%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml" %>
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public string xslt )
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter );
XmlDocument xmldoc= new XmlDocument );
xmldoc.Load Server.MapPath Request["name"] +".xml"));
XslTransform xsldoc = new XslTransform );
xsldoc.Load Server.MapPath "main.xsl"));
DocumentNavigator nav= new DocumentNavigator xmldoc);
xsldoc.Transform nav,null,writer);
return writer.ToString );
<%=xslt )%>
<p align="center">该程序由<a href="http://www.5ud.com">www.5ud.com</a>设计制作.</p>
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public void Button1_Click object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if File.Exists Server.MapPath TextBox1.Text +".xml")))
Response.Write "文件名已经存在,请重选文件名。");
Response.End ) ;
XmlNode currNode;
XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument );
xmldoc.Load Server.MapPath "contents.xml"));
string InsStr="<topic><title>"+TextBox2.Text+"</title><href>main.aspx?name="+TextBox1.Text+"</href></topic>";
XmlDocumentFragment docFrag = xmldoc.CreateDocumentFragment );
docFrag.InnerXml = InsStr;
currNode = xmldoc.DocumentElement;
currNode.InsertAfter docFrag, currNode.LastChild);
//save the output to a file
xmldoc.Save Server.MapPath "contents.xml"));
string xmlfile =TextBox5.Text.Replace "&","&");
xmlfile = xmlfile.Replace "<","<");
xmlfile = xmlfile.Replace ">",">");
xmlfile = xmlfile.Replace @"""""",""");
xmlfile = xmlfile.Replace "’","'");
xmlfile = xmlfile.Replace "\n","</paragraph><paragraph>");
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument );
doc.LoadXml "<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’GB2312’?><document><title>"+TextBox2.Text +"</title><abstract>"+TextBox4.Text +"</abstract><author>"+TextBox3.Text +"</author><content><paragraph>"+xmlfile+"</paragraph></content></document>");
doc.Save Server.MapPath TextBox1.Text +".xml"));
Response.Write "You hava input the article!");
public void Button2_Click object sender, System.EventArgs e)
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此程序在.net beta2 build 9148下测试通过。 完)